Friday, August 2, 2019

Dressed All in Pink Essay

Literary Ballad A literary ballad is a poem written by a specific author. These ballads are not set to music. An example of a literary ballad would be Dudley Randall’s ballad â€Å"Dressed All In Pink† Dressed All In Pink by Dudley Randall It was a wet and cloudy day when the prince took his last ride. The prince rode with the gonernor, and his princess rode beside. â€Å"And would you like to ride inside for shelter from the rain? † â€Å"No I’ll ride outside, where I can wave and speak to my friends again. † They ride among the cheering crowds, he young prince and his mate. The governor says, â€Å"See how they smile and cheer you where they wait. † The prince rides with the governor, his princess rides beside, dressed all in pink as delicate as roses of a bride. Pink as a rose the princess rides, but bullets from a gun turn that pink to as deep a red as red, red blood can run, for she bends to where the prince lies still and cradles his shattered head, and there that pink so delicate is stained a deep, deep red. the princess rides beside, and her dress of pink so delicate deep, deep red is dyed. Jackie Kennedy is the princess -iambic tetrameter -rhyming scheme: abcb -the dress symbolizes the country itself falling from grace -colour imagery of pink as roses and red as blood -princess is described in colour -â€Å"dyed† at the end has a double meaning -dress is said to be as pink as roses but roses are also a deep shade of red, but the dress is not referred to a rose when it is covered in blood -Pink is the colour of innocence and it turni ng red is significant in displaying the loss of innocence

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